Things constantly change and flow in my life, a few years back I was
as close to being destitute as I've ever been in my life, I was in an
abusive relationship, and I had no direction for my life.

Now I have a good prospective future with someone who cares about me as
much as I care about him, I'm thinking about furthoring my education,
and what work I'd like to someday be doing.
I'm continuing on with my poetry, my music, learning and changing as my
surroundings change. I've recently been contacted by my mother and things
appear to have changed for her as well, there might actually be a chance
at a relationship with her, so long as things continue to go well.

Who knows what the future holds? Any of us? Certainly not me, but I do
know that things no longer look as bleak as they once did for me, and for
that I'm thankful, and shall continue to be so.