Dark Winter
Everything is blooming now, spring has come,
Bright colours assault the eyes,
New scents float on the breeze,
And I feel the strengthening of the ties,
That hold me warm and close,
I shrug back the cloak that's kept me hidden,
Twas safer to be that way,
Much as I was bidden,
Why hide who and what I am?
Not liking her much does such,
Acceptance comes with the dawn,
That I missed her much,
Her strength, her love of life,
Trying to remember that she is me,
It seems so far away now,
I'm not sure that I can be,
Such as the bright one that friends insist,
Is who and what I am, and was,
It's a half forgotten memory,
Was the right thing to do because,
I as she would never have stood,
For the pain that was thrown her way,
Not to complain about my lot,
That's not the intent of what I say,
Just that, it seems that I have been asleep,
To let things become this strained,
Weak and cowardly I've been,
To have let myself be so drained,
No more! The mantle of the winter's past,
Is thrust far behind,
And the pale face I show the world,
Begins to show what is on my mind,
I do deserve the love I feel,
And worthy of love for me felt,
The harsh words that have reached my ears,
Id spiteful when it's dealt,
Lies and hate, not such for me,
But for what I represent,
And if this is the response met,
Then by all means, have hate, resent,
I'll just walk away,
I need it not, it's nae for me alone,
For the things you still say to me,
To chill me to the bone,
To shove me down, to make me weak,
Have no effect ne'ermore,
For now I know they come from one,
Who wants to cut me to the core,
It's not to make me strong, as such,
Which is what I thought was the intent,
Nor is it meant to show my wrongs,
Which to your anger lent,
Lies to me and lies to self,
Such things I shall not stand,
And so my leave I take of you,
To take friends by the hand,
Not running from, but to, the arms,
That hold instead of hit,
And the blows that once rained down,
That you never would admit,
Relearn, my past love,
Who was the man you used to be,
For as such, perhaps you'll find,
If that is what you want, another such as me.