Forever alone, darkness here,
Weighing heavily on me,
Finding one to share with, one I hold dear,
Cherished, feeling loved,
Things change without warning,
Lightening fast, blink of an eye,
The ring on my finger adorning,
Grows heavy and cold,
She sought solace and to be alone,
But never dreamed of finding,
A way out of the circle of stone,
And to not be trapped,
Two pairs of hands reach across the pain,
Urging me to trust,
And I trust them, so much to gain,
I know they'll not let me fall,
Looking at the ground, three circles intertwined,
One for each,
All three trapped, he and him, and mine,
Arms straining for each other,
Fingers touch once, sparks fly,
No lightening strikes me to the ground,
Wrists clasp hard, as one we cry,
Pulling hard to join,
A moment of sharp pain, hands tighten,
We gasp with one mouth,
Step together, all look frightened,
A tentative touch, then we embrace,
Pieces of who I am fall back into place,
I smile up at both of you,
Safe with you, in this sacred place,
In the circle of your love.