Pale and blue, the moon, she lay her light upon the land,
And from the wood emerged a familier, beloved hand,
Lips were pressed to wrist, and pulse soon woke,
On those lips, the words that she'd oft heard spoke,

A bond, a trust, a need, there was, between,
And as the moonlight washes clean,
"You called, I came" she said to he,
And with a smile , you knelt in front of me,
The moonlight glowed upon your hair and face,
You then looked up, I kneeled for your embrace,
I touched your face, then kissed your lips so sweet,
Slipped to throat, faster still does my heart beat,

Laces pulled, flesh exposed, warm hands heat chill skin,
You look my body over, as I do to you, drink the other in,
Faint flush crosses my face, clear down to my chest,
And with my love I seek to rest,

To touch, explore, to kiss and more, still more,
To fan the flames that burn through me from the core,
The touch of you on me I seek,
With desires brought up to their peak,

Then gentle touches move with need,
To aching grown as hunger feeds,
Then to lie back, stars dot the skies,
Soon forgotten in your eyes,
To taste sweet lips as bodies intertwine,
Thoughts, emotions, he shares mine,
Move together, sharing heat,
As such is want when lovers meet,

Pleasure builds 'tween the two,
Heralding them to sensations new,
A gasp, a cry, the moment spent,
A power borne of sensuality pent,

For far too long, held back inside,
Breathing hard by love's true side,
Alas tis time, tis time to go,
For new days light falls on the snow,

A tender kiss and then farewell,
Gather clothes and leave the dell,
Until next eve my love, my one,
Call me back with set of sun.