I can not hear you, can not touch you,
But I feel your sadness as deeply,
As I would my own,
And I pay for this not cheaply,

I pay in time, in words,
Sleepless nights weeping,
Nights spent reaching,
When I should've been sleeping,

But I couldnae,
For I've been repaid in full,
In the laughter, your warmth,
For the brightness that replaced the dull,

Would that I could hold you close,
And wipe tears that threaten to spill,
Calm the anger that sometimes rages,
Oh, if I could only be there by my will,

Instead I must content myself,
With memories of touch,
Gentle fingers on my face,
I miss that too, so much,

Soft fingers twined in my hair,
Or the smoothness of your skin,
Resting comfortably in my arms,
Or your hand underneath my chin,

Pulling my gaze up to lock with yours,
The way you smile, at me alone,
Your kisses sweet upon my lips,
Or your voice upon the phone,

But I cannae even talk with voice,
Not now, not when it matters much to me,
So I craft, with words, images, much as I can,
So that when you close your eyes you see,

I'm smiling shyly at you,
With my arms around you tight,
I'm whispering softly in your ear,
That you're going to be alright.