
Welcome to Starsnight

Greetings, salutations, hello, greetings and welcome to Starsnight, my eventide's new pastime. I'll be your hostess, JStar. The journey may get a little rocky at times, but bear with me, as I'm not really all that conversant with html as of yet, but with a little luck, we'll wander down some odd roads, maybe even wander aimlessly for a bit. So trust me for a little while, walk my page, and above all, enjoy the travels.

Follow Morgaine into the page...and sign the guestbook....

If you'd rather just check out the links for now, by all means...

The page of Vampire Hunter Dan, talented musician, Anime lover, and all around wonderful person, check out his midis and sign his guestbook..
No real explination needed here methinks, well, other then for Diablo, but I think you'll figure it out yourself...
And if you though that Diablo was strange, wait until you peek through this series, Bun-Bun, it sounds so innocent...
A page of poems, personal history, at least as it was about 2 years ago, and surprise surprise, it's mine!...
A dear friend of mine who's simply perfect...Well..except for her quirky passion for the colour pink that is...
Tired of the same old cards? Sick of hotmail accounts? Free cards and e-mail with a difference!...
This is truly a marvelous site, many talented Fantasy artists, most of whom are showing their work for the first time anywhere..If you like Fantasy art or need inspiration..this is the place to go...
If you're on the Faire circut or just enjoy this period of costuming..learn what's appropriate and what's not for your creations....from colour and fabrics to underclothes..
If your searching for "Muskrat Love" has gone in vain..If your futile hunt for Mozart's Magic Flute as a midi has been fruitless..then try this search engine...
Tom Lehrer..what can be said about the man that's original..not a whole lot evidently..but if you NEED the Lyrics to "Poisoning Pigeons in the Park"..or to "I got it from Agnes"...then look here...
Being the slave of 2 demons of my own..it's frightening to learn that it's not just me that has these expiriences...
It's surprising that this page never went anywhere, seeing as the person who created it writes lovely poetry, incredible graphics, is witty, kind, considerate..So by all means, sign his guestbook and MAKE him get back to work....
And now on a more serious note..If you're talking to people online...Or someone at work is treating you in a way that makes you less then comfortable..Please read this..Know your rights..Know what constitutes harrassment..Know what stalking is..And learn how to put a stop to it..QUICKLY...

Tina the Troubled Teen

please note that all gif., jpg, poems, midis, and writings (with the exception to the link for "goats", Slacker's page link, and the Sluggy .gif) are properties of JStar, do not link and use these items, if there's something you MUST have, something can be worked out..so ask first. *smiles*
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