Well, now that you're here..
This is the home of my artistic endevors, such as they are. I should warn you that I am in no way a graphic artist, or any other kind of artist, to tell the truth, nor have I had any kind of classical training. So please be kind with the comments...
If you've already checked out my other page, you'll be well famillar with the fact that I do write poems. Now bear in mind that I'm not saying that they're anything of quality, merely that they're mine, and that I enjoy writing them. If you've any comments, or poetry that you'd like to share, by all means, drop me a line or leave something in the guestbook...
It's not often that I write out things other then poetry, it seems to be my best method of expressing myself and being creative with words. However, I have been known to write out a tale or two in my time, some of which are contained here. In the future, I might add some of my friend's writings as well, but for now, they're just my own, have a look if you wish..
I've recently found a new way to express myself and how I'm feeling, in music. I'm by no means a wonderous composer, nor am I in any way formally trained in music, however, this new way of expressing myself has brought me peace and wonderment at creating music out of nothing. So if you'd like to have a listen, by all means, do..
This is the place that I'm sure some of you are hunting frantically for by now, get a look into the person behind the site. There might actually be a picture or two of me here, I've not decided whether I'm actually going to put the pics I have on my computer online for all to see here however, so check and see, if I have, be careful of your eyes, if not, heave a deep sigh of relief and move on. If you're extremely lucky, I might even devote some space to "the demons" (who are the demons you ask? well, take a look)...