Ever since I was 10 or 11 years old, and discovered other
people's poetry, I yearned to write my own, and so I did.
The problem is, once I start writing, it's extremely hard to
get me to stop, and being a person who writes in creative fits
and stops, it makes it that much harder to express myself through

But still I try, for I've found, over the years, that this is the
best way to express myself. Some of the poems are from times
when things were quite different
then they are now, and in being such a reflection of the past, they
provide me with a much better timeline, or journal of my past then
actually sitting down to write one would've been.

So please bear that in mind while reading these over, the siutations
that some of them appear to portray may no longer be a part of my life.
Hope that you enjoy, and if you've any poems of your own to share, by
all means!

Send a page or a poem to the guestbook, or e-mail me.

Last Words



6 Years

Dark Winter


All poetry contained within is the property of J. Star, and if you steal it for personal, or public use, it would make me extremely unhappy. If there's something that you'd like to have on your page, or that you'd like to publish, (stranger things have happened) please e-mail me and we'll talk.