Where to begin telling you about myself.
Well, I was born an unspecified number of years ago in a place
called Canada, which, I suppose would make me Canadian,
although that all depends on how you look at things, I guess.

Things have changed for me considerably since I first came online, over
two years ago. I'm recently divorced, I have more friends then
I ever have in my lifetime, my self esteem has been restored to me
as has my sense of self worth, and I owe most of that to some very
special people in my life.
So without furthor ado, I'd like to thank them, here and now, and if
this sort of thing tends to bore you, just skip over it.

In no particular order:
You, who inspire me, never pushing, suggesting instead, teaching,
listening, explaining, sharing, thank you, for being there for me,
through all of the sleepless nights, the crying jags, and the times
when I felt worthless and you'd never let me forget that I wasnae,
I love you, and always shall.

You listen to me whine at all hours of the night, you cheer me and
remind me that there's more to life then the saddening things that
I've expirienced far too often, always there to lend a smiting hammer
for a balky server, and even singing the "Lumberjack" song to get me
to stop crying, you're a better friend then I deserve, so I'll keep
striving to be worthy of your friendship.

You too listen to me, but more then that, you share so much with me,
I've never really had female friends before, I'm used to being
"One of the guys", and spent so much time being one of them that
sometimes I need a reminder about aspects of being female that
I'm not well aquainted with, and while your passion for pink
astounds and bewilders me, I find it mightily amusing *grins*
thank you for all the mornings we've talked into, all of the
quiet phone calls to "make sure I was ok", always wanted an older
sister, and now I've got one.
Always there to take a brownie or two and offer kleenex when needed,
another sister! Not just one, but two! When we decided to all go hang
out for a weekend, almost on the spur of the moment, you reminded me
that spontaneity isnae something to be feared, it's to be embraced,
as is chocolate, a really good back rub, and all of the things that
some people consider borderline hedonistic, but they're not, self
indulgance is a GOOD thing, always there for advise, thank you for that.

You're just EVIL, m'boy, encouraging me to get myself a harp when you
know full well with enough shoving in the right direction I'll actually
break down and buy one. But seriously Joey, you've been a good friend
and a wonderful boost to my self esteem, complimenting me on my poetry,
my artworks, this page, my music. And always there with a shovel when
I need someone, um, I mean something buried. *grins* thank you.

C and Wynter:
I know it's been a hard road for the both of you, and that things
get worse and worse before they even come close to getting better,
but two years ago, you both encouraged me to take a chance on living
my life without abuse, without threats, without fear. (or at least
fear directed at more normal things)I'll always be there, you were
there for me, after all, and I could do no less, thank you both.

Kitty Kat:
Yet ANOTHER sister, this time one a little younger then I am. (How
can one be a little younger then ageless, I hear you cry, practice!)
You too helped me through some extremely hard times in my life, still
are when you're not so busy that you can talk. I'm extremely proud of
you for working so hard to get what, and where you want to be, quite
inspiring, you are m'dear. Thank you for being my "little sis", and
listening to me whine, giggling at my awful jokes, and staying up
until all hours of the morning talking.

I admire you greatly, you are an example to me, always, your encouragement
with my poetry allowed me to let other people read them, and then to have
them posted online, your literary genius, your dry wit, and your advise
about so many things helped me become who I am now, someone that I think
I have the potential to like, be liked, and respect.
Thank you.

You were one of the first friends I met online, the first to be kind, the
first to explain things that I *should* know about being in a chatroom.
You were also the first who noticed how truly lonely and miserable I was
and the first to extend a hand in friendship.
And when people I talked to started "vanishing", you stayed, even when
you did not really want to, for your friends, me included.
I cannot thank you enough for listening to me whine about my life, and for
gently encouraging me to move on with MY life.

There are so many more people, but shan't be adding them all at once,
mayhaps a couple at a time. So if you donnae see your name here and you
truly think it should be, chances are, I've just not gotten around to
you quite yet, my apologies for that.