So you've found the pic part of this page, not that it was hidden, but I
thought it unlikely that many would choose to venture into this part.
I hope that I've made it fairly easy to access the pictures, and that
the explinations make some sort of twisted sense to at least some of

Me, in the woods

me again, in the park

Once more I find myself writing what seems to be a series of paragraphs
about how wrong, evil and just plain twisted taking things from my
pages is. And yes, this does apply to the pictures too, I for one do
not want to be wandering about various webpages and find a picture of
myself, however well intended the taking of said picture may be.
I'm afraid this applies to the pictures of the demons too, as they
have never expressed a want to have their pictures plastered on
anyone else's site either. So please, before you just go ahead and
take the pictures, ASK. Otherwise I'll have to sic Loki on you and
neither of us really want that.