This particular essay was written when I was in grade 9, I was miserable, and it very well may have been the only thing I handed in all year, an essay between 500-1000 words was the requirement, the topic was, "a time that means something to me", rather open ended, but I liked it enough to keep.
Hello there, you appear to have stumbled into the essay section of my
page. Now please bear in mind that many of these were written during my
school going days, and I've merely transcribed them from yellowing
newsprint or folscap.
Also please bear in mind that while I may consider these works to
be rather juvenile in retrospect, and that you may as well, but
they were written with a different perspective then I have now.
One last thing, these essays were by no means complete as I found
only bits and pieces of them were intact, so I've filled in the
blanks as well as possible.
The usual warnings apply here too, but if you're desperate enough to steal
the former teenage and younger writings of mine, please, seek help, these are nothing particularly special, they're mostly things that I was forced to
write when I was a pre-teen to teenager. Go through your closets, filing
cabinets, you've likely got a few of these tucked away yourself.