In sharing my poetry with my friends, and the stories that I write
as well, occasionally I have been gifted with some of their own
writings. In some cases, they donnae have webpages of their own, have no
knowledge or time to make one up, but would still like very much
to share them with other people.

And sometimes, I'm so moved, so impressed by their work, I just have
to ask their permission to post them on my page.

Such is the case with the following poetry, stories, and various
tidbits that have been given to me, with permisson to post here.
So, without furthor ado, read on, enjoy, and by all means, leave
feedback for them in the form of e-mail, as I've left you links
by which it's possible.

A short story by JC, chilling and nightmarish, entitled "The Bad Man".